Musica Poetica : Dietrich Bartel


Music has frequently been referred to as a universal language. As universal as organized pitch and rhythm might be, as common as some musical intervals and rhythmic patterns are to all cultures and civilizations, there are nonetheless a great many "dialects" of this language which not only distinguish one civilization from the next, but indeed distinguish different eras of the same culture from one another. The music of the Baroque era is just such a dialect , growing out of the language of Renaissance music, yet with a content fundamentally distinct from the aesthetics of Enlightenment or Romantic musical expression.

音楽はしばしば万国共通の言語であるかのように言われてきた。 世界のどの都市や文化の中でも同じピッチやリズムパターンを共有していればそうなったかもしれないが、しかしこの言語には各地さまざまの「方言」が数えきれないほどあるし、しかもその一つの地域文化の中でも多様に区別さるだけでなく、時代が異なれば同じ地域文化のものであってもまったく異なってくるのである。 ルネサンス音楽に起因するバロック音楽はまさにこの方言の音楽であり、それは啓蒙主義やロマン派音楽の表出の美学とは根本的に異なったものである。

  Throughout the twentieth musicians and musicologists alike have concerned themselves with deciphering and interpreting the language of Baroque music. After generations of "enlightened" neglect and "romantic" misunderstanding, it become evident that objective insight into the Baroque musical idiom could only be gained if its grammar and its syntax -- that is, its own unique compositional precepts and principles -- were rediscovered and appreciated.

  20世紀を通して音楽家音楽学者たちは、バロック音楽の言語を読み解き解釈することに関わってきた。 「啓蒙主義」の粗放さとロマン派の誤解の時代を経て後に、当時の文法やその構文論に応じて得られた客観的なバロック音楽の語法に対する見識が得られたのであり、(それは優れた音楽作品そのものから学んだ原理によってである。)再発見され正当に理解された(のも最近のことである)。

This interest in authentic Baroque performance practice has revolutionized the interpretation of Baroque music, spawning countless performing groups and artists who further the cause of Baroque authenticity with Baroque bows, gut strings, and valveless horns, all tuned to appropriate Baroque pitch.


Likewise, in the discipline of musicology , a great deal of scholarly energy has been invested into a myriad of historical and theoretical questions, resulting in a focus of increasing attention on the relationship between music and rhetoric during this period.


Musica Poetica: Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music

Musica Poetica: Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music